Free Online Language Courses
August 20, 2019

Ever wish you had the time to learn Chinese? Or brush up your high school French?

Thanks to the Libraries’ subscription to Mango Languages, you can take free, self-paced online language courses in more than 70 languages.

Or take advantage of courses on medical terminology in Spanish or business idioms in Mandarin Chinese.

Create an account for your personal use:

First-time Mango users must create a user profile. When creating
your account, go through the UTK link on our A-Z databases page.
After account set-up, you can log-in from anywhere.
Each registered user can add five extra accounts
to share with family and friends!

Courses are accessible from a web browser or an app. Learning is based on realistic conversations among native speakers but includes vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar lessons as well as cultural cues.

Mango even offers a selection of movies in various languages that can be slowed down for scene-by-scene or even line-by-line viewing.