Jane Sasser at Writers in the Library, April 11
April 5, 2011

Poet/writer Jane Sasser will read from her work at Writers in the Library on Monday, April 11, at 7 p.m. in UT’s Hodges Library Auditorium.

Sasser has published dozens of poems in periodicals such as the North American Review, Atlanta Review, Appalachian Heritage, The Sow’s Ear — and even the Journal of the American Medical Association. She is the author of two poetry chapbooks, Itinerant from Finishing Line Press (2009) and Recollecting the Snow from March Street Press (2008). Sasser works in other literary forms as well, writing short stories, essays, and novels, and winning awards for both her essays and children’s writing.

Sasser won First Place in Fiction from the Alabama Writers’ Conclave 2009 Literary Competition. Recognition for her poetry has included a First Place at the 2007 Southern Festival of Books and Finalist in the 2010 literary contest held by Still: The Journal.

As a longtime teacher of English and creative writing at Oak Ridge High School, she has inspired and motivated many budding writers.

Sasser’s reading is free and open to the public.

Writers in the Library is sponsored by the University of Tennessee Department of English and the UT Libraries. For further information contact Marilyn Kallet, Director, UT Creative Writing Program (865-974-6947 or mkallet@utk.edu), or Jeff Daniel Marion, Writer in Residence, UT Libraries (dannymar@earthlink.net).