Celebrate the new “Commons” — music, games, prizes!
January 29, 2013

Commons-blog-3Don’t you just love the new Commons? UT students do. Come find out what the buzz is all about: join us to celebrate the opening of the newly renovated Commons in the Hodges Library.

The campus community and the public are invited to a Street Fair — featuring music, games, and prizes — to be held from 2:30 to 4:30 pm, Thursday, February 7, in the Commons on the 2nd floor of the John C. Hodges Library (1015 Volunteer Blvd.). Remarks by the UT chancellor, provost, dean of libraries, and assistant vice chancellor/CIO will take place at 3:30 pm.

Prizes to be given away at the event include two 23-inch ultra-sharp monitors, a printer, cell phone accessories, a laptop backpack, VolPrint cards, and Starbucks gift baskets.

Our Library Friends are invited to join us at 4:30 p.m. in the Mary E. Greer Room, 258 Hodges Library, for a reception and guided tours of the Commons.

The Commons, a collaboration of the UT Libraries and Office of Information Technology, brings together all the tools students need to succeed: technology, research assistance, even tutoring and advising services. It’s where students go to collaborate on projects, consult a librarian, create a video, or just catch up with friends. The Commons is a lively social gathering place, open 24 hours a day and offering comfortable, inviting furnishings—even a coffee shop.

This year the Commons underwent extensive renovations under the direction of McCarty Holsaple McCarty, the original architects, 25 years ago, of the current John C. Hodges Library. They have adapted our stately legacy space to meet the unique needs of UT’s 21st century scholars.

Please join us on February 7 to see why UT students find the Commons so exciting.
