Helping Students De-stress During Finals
April 12, 2013

destressFinal exams are approaching, and our students are already beginning to stress out. With the help of numerous co-sponsors, the Libraries will once again offer Finals Week activities to help our students refresh and recharge. Activities will include free chair massages, visits by HABIT (Human-Animal Bond in Tennessee) therapy dogs, cartoon screenings, and outdoor games.

Dean of Libraries Steve Smith considers these events a vital investment. “We offer these and other fun activities out of a genuine interest in student well-being and success. We want to boost our students’ academic performance and keep them healthy at the end of what, for many, is a long and taxing semester. A little break or diversion can go a long way toward doing this.”

Among our campus partners who will co-sponsor “De-Stress for Success” activities in the libraries are the Student Success Center, Student Assessment of Instruction System, UT Parents Association, School of Information Sciences, and Human-Animal Bond in Tennessee. Both Hodges Library and Pendergrass Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Library will host activities.

Watch this site for a schedule of Finals Week activities.