Your picture here: star in a library poster
January 6, 2014

blacklillies2Did you pick up one of the library’s Black Lillies* posters? Well, we have another surprise for you.


We’re not suggesting you leave us to launch a career in Music City (at least not until you graduate). We’re only suggesting that the library’s next “READ” poster could feature your photo.

This past year the UT Libraries started its own series of READ posters based on the American Library Association’s longstanding national campaign featuring sports figures, actors, and other celebrities reading from a favorite book.

In addition to the Black Lillies, the library’s READ posters have featured local celebrities Smokey, Smokey Jr., the Volunteer, and professor William Bass (of Body Farm fame).

YourFaceHere_smallNow, we’re launching a contest to select a student to star in our next poster. We’ve scheduled photo sessions at each library branch during the week of January 13. Drop by, bring your friends, bring a favorite book (or borrow one of ours), and pose for our professional photographer. Then visit us on Faceboook (/utklibraries) to vote for your favorite student-star.

Drop-in photo sessions:

Wed., Jan. 15, 10:00-3:00, Hodges Library (Melrose entrance)
Thurs., Jan. 16, 12:00-2:00, AgVetMed Library
Fri., Jan. 17, 11:30-1:30, Music Library

*We caught up with the Knoxville-based band on the road in Nashville, and we’d like to thank the Grand Ol’ Opry and 650 WSM radio for letting us shoot on location. We’re proud to claim Black Lillies vocalist Trisha Brady as a former UT Libraries staff member. Look for free Black Lillies posters at the main entrance of Hodges Library, the Music Library, or the AgVetMed Library on the first day of classes.