Who will star in the library’s poster? Get out the vote!
January 17, 2014

YourFaceHere_smallWho will star in the library’s poster? It’s up to you. Visit our Facebook page (facebook.com/utklibraries) and register your vote. The student with the most “likes” will star in the UT Libraries’ next “READ” poster.

Voting begins Tuesday, Jan. 21, and continues until midnight, Tuesday, Jan. 28. Watch our Facebook page for an announcement on Wednesday, Jan. 29.

blacklillies2More than a hundred students dropped by the Hodges, Music, and Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine libraries this week to pose for our photographer. (Were you one of them? Vote for yourself. Enlist your friends. Tell your momma.)

Copies of the new poster will be available, for free, in about a month. Want to see our latest awesome poster? Pick up a Black Lillies poster, now, at the main entrance of Hodges Library, the Music Library, or AgVetMed.