Posters starring UT students are free for the taking
February 17, 2014

collage2Sydney2Our latest READ posters — the ones starring UT students — are printed and ready for pick-up at Hodges (Melrose entrance), Pendergrass AgVetMed, and the Music libraries. Posters are free for the taking.

Our READ posters, modeled on the American Library Association’s longstanding national campaign, picture campus celebrities reading from a favorite book. After featuring Smokey, the Volunteer, professor William Bass, and the Black Lillies band, the Libraries held a contest to select a student to star in our next READ poster. More than 100 students dropped by the library to pose for our photographer. Then everyone was invited to “like” their favorite on our Facebook gallery of contestants.

Sydney McNeill, a pre-pharmacy major from Dyersburg, Tennessee, received the most votes and earned her own poster. We’ve also printed a collage of all the runners-up.

Get your copies before they disappear!