Count This Penny Partners with UT Libraries, Will Perform Nov. 16

Boundless: Artists in the Archives is a newly launched program from the University of Tennessee Libraries. To highlight the unique materials available in UT’s Special Collections and Betsey B. Creekmore Archives, the Libraries will periodically commission a work of art or music inspired by an item or collection in the archives. The Libraries’ first partners in the … Continued

30th Anniversary Celebration a Great Success!

Our 30th anniversary celebration of the John C. Hodges Library was a great success! Students thronged to our Street Fair in the Commons yesterday afternoon. The Libraries, the Office of Information Technology, and other Commons partners hosted booths at which they posed trivia questions in exchange for tickets to a prize drawing. Trivia quizzes harked … Continued

Writers in the Library Presents Stanley Plumly, Oct. 23

On Monday, October 23, Stanley Plumly will read at the University of Tennessee as part of UT’s Writers in the Library reading series. Stanley Plumly’s Old Heart (W. W. Norton, 2007) won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and the Paterson Poetry Prize, and was a finalist for the National Book Award. Posthumous Keats: A Personal Biography (W. W. Norton, 2008) was … Continued