Melrose Street Closure

Depending on the details in getting the final contract signed, Melrose Street will be closed next week probably starting on Monday for repaving. The closure will be from in front of Hess Hall down to where the Melrose Street that runs between Tyson House and Hodges Library. Lot 12 will remain open during that time, … Continued

Extended hours update from Dean Smith

Correspondence from Dean Smith: As you know, the library will expand its hours starting this fall semester. Below you will find a list of initiatives we hope to implement in order to enhance safety and security as a result of these later hours. This is a fluid timeline of the projects we plan to undertake … Continued

Closure of Commons North

In preparation for continued construction on Commons phase 3, Commons North will be closing this week. All the furnishings, services, and equipment will be moved out. Work on the Commons South and the Studio area is moving along but not ready for re-opening. Those who want to use a computer will need to go to … Continued

Rooms 120 and Staff

Many changes continue! Room 120 (former Quiet Study) is part of Special Collections. This is now a secure area open only open to staff of Special Collections and Library Express-Storage-Shipping. For the summer, Digital Production has moved in while their area is renovated and Gov/Docs is staying while they complete the microfiche weeding project. If … Continued

Volunteer Blvd. Changes

Starting this Wednesday and continuing for the next two weeks, traffic will be slow along a section of Volunteer Boulevard in front of Hodges Library, the pedestrian walkway, and Claxton Education Building. Work crews will install new electrical conduits below street level as part of the construction of the new Student Union, at the site … Continued

Yet another Melrose update!

Latest communication on Melrose street project from George McGhee in Facilities Services: 1st grounds will be finishing the topcoat on the parking lot at the west end of I/H early this week. When this is done if Parking Services wants to start their remarking of this lot they can. 2nd we have some handicap spots … Continued

Melrose lot temporary closure

The entrance to the lot at Melrose near the I.H. –east to the end of the sidewalk area is to be closed briefly Thursday morning. The concrete trucks and the men working are going to need extra room, so they can pour and work the sidewalk on that end. With the area already tight with … Continued

Melrose Streetscape Update

The end of lot 12 will be closed soon since asphalt is going down today. The upper end, west side, will finish off the sidewalk section for the north side. Work on the walkway, at Hess, will start mid week next week.

Hodges Room 120

Special Collections (121 Hodges Library) is expanding into the former quiet study area in 120 Hodges Library. Students are encouraged to seek out the library’s other designated quiet study areas, which include the remainder of the 1st floor and the entire 4th and 5th floors.