Engaging with CCI Students
by Calantha Tillotson
February 29, 2024  •  2 minute read
Librarian Calantha Tillotson, far right, with CCI students in Washington, DC

As the subject librarian for the College of Communication and Information, I hold outreach as my foremost priority. Each time I step into CCI’s space, I get a chance to create connections with my faculty, staff, and students as individuals and gain understanding of their academic fields.

One invaluable engagement opportunity occurred when several information sciences graduate student leaders co-crafted a series of events with me, called Coffee with Calantha. We meet to drink comforting cups of coffee and openly discuss challenges in librarianship—conversations that will help prepare them to work in the field after graduation. Topics requested so far have included navigating academic librarianship, job seeking, vocational awe, and burnout. 

CCI students outside the US Capitol

Similarly, I co-chaperoned a student trip to Washington, DC, at the request of a CCI faculty member. The trip provided me with serendipitous interactions with students and faculty in advertising and public relations and in journalism and media. I also gathered deeper insight into the research skills and tools needed in those professions. Both Coffee with Calantha and the DC trip were unique steps in my effort to be an effectively embedded subject librarian!

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