Best Practices in Publishing program for graduate students
August 26, 2019

The Best Practices in Publishing program provides opportunities to discuss research and publishing-related issues with graduate students from across the university. In six sessions and one workshop, a range of topics will be introduced and discussed with campus experts, including experienced faculty.

Sessions will be on Tuesdays, 5:15 p.m.– 6:45 p.m., in Hodges Library.

  • September 3—Orientation
  • September 10—Publishing: Setting the Stage, Panel Discussion with UT Faculty
  • September 17—Research Misconduct and Authorship
  • September 24—Publication Decisions
  • October 1—Copyright and Ownership: Presentation by General Counsel
  • October 8—Final Celebration and Certificate Presentations

Participants will be required to attend all sessions and submit reflections after each session. In addition, participants will be required to contribute to discussions and question-and-answer sessions. An anonymous submission form will allow participants to submit questions of a sensitive nature ahead of time so speakers will be able to discuss real concerns.

Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a certificate acknowledging your participation. This certificate should be a welcome addition to the dossier that you will need in applying for faculty positions and/or for retention/promotion.

The Best Practices in Publishing series is co-sponsored by the Graduate School and the UT Libraries.

Registration opens August 19 at:
Seating is limited to 40 participants.