Big Orange Adventure — a scavenger hunt to benefit the libraries
March 11, 2014

BigOadventureThe UT Graduate Student Senate will host a scavenger hunt, dubbed “The Big Orange Adventure,” to benefit the UT Libraries. The race will take place Saturday, April 5, 2014, on the UT campus. Check-in is at 9 a.m. at the outdoor amphitheater between Hodges Library and the Humanities Building, and the hunt begins promptly at 10 a.m. This event is open to the public.

For several decades, the Graduate Student Senate has sponsored the Love Your Libraries 5K to benefit the libraries. Profits from the race are donated to the library to help provide De-Stress For Success activities during Finals Week. This year, the format of the race has changed to a scavenger hunt.

Teams of 4 to 6 members will race around campus, searching for clues and completing tasks in order to figure out the location of the finish line. Whichever team completes the scavenger hunt first, wins. At the start of the race, participants will receive race packets, which will include a map, the rules of the race, and a list of items around campus that can be photographed and posted to social media for the #hashtag wars.

Prizes and trophies will be awarded to the first, second, and third place finishers and to the team that posts the most #hashtag items. Costumes are encouraged, and there will be prizes awarded to the Best Theme Costume and Best UT Themed Costume.

Registration is $10 until April 1 and $15 thereafter. T-shirts are guaranteed to participants who register by March 24. Register and read more at the Graduate Student Senate website.