Poetry Reading by Bobby Caudle Rogers
March 28, 2011

BobbyRogers2Writers in the Library will host a reading by poet Bobby Caudle Rogers at 7 p.m., Monday, April 4, in UT’s Hodges Library auditorium.

Bobby C. Rogers won the 2009 Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize — one of America’ s most distinguished awards for a first book of poetry — for his collection Paper Anniversary. He is a professor of English at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, and a Distinguished Alumni of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He was a Henry Hoyns Fellow at the University of Virginia, from which he received his M.F.A.

Rogers’ poems have appeared in the Southern Review, the Georgia Review, Image, Shenandoah, Puerto del Sol, and numerous other magazines. He is the recipient of the Greensboro Review Literary Prize in Poetry and has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

The event is free and open to the public. A reception in the Mary E. Greer Room (258 Hodges Library) will follow the reading.

Writers in the Library is sponsored by the University of Tennessee Department of English and the UT Libraries. For further information contact Marilyn Kallet, Director, UT Creative Writing Program (865-974-6947 or mkallet@utk.edu), or Jeff Daniel Marion, Writer in Residence, UT Libraries (dannymar@earthlink.net).