Financial Literacy Boot Camp, March 27
March 13, 2015

finances2Learn to manage your money at the Financial Literacy Boot Camp, March 27. This is the final Boot Camp in the series funded by the UT Alliance of Women Philanthropists.

Students can attend the full day of workshops or drop-in on individual sessions. All sessions will be held in Room 252, John C. Hodges Library.

Following the Boot Camp, students can demonstrate what they’ve learned by taking our online financial survey. The first ten students who correctly answer all survey questions will win a $25 UT Bookstore gift card. The survey will be open from March 27 through April 10.

Financial Literacy Boot Camp
252 Hodges Library

9:00 – 10:00
Your credit score & steps to financial freedom
Speaker: Wendy Cleveland
UT Federal Credit Union

10:00 – 11:00
Types of insurance & why you need them
Speaker: Bruce Meek
Farmers Insurance

11:00 – noon
Smart shopping: tips & tricks to save
Speaker: Heather Cockrum
Executive Assistant to the Provost, UT

noon – 1:00
Free pizza lunch for those who pre-register
Take a look at library resources on job searching and scholarships
Speaker: Judy Li
Business Librarian, UT

1:00 – 2:00
Scholarships & fellowships to pay for your studies
Speaker: Nichole Fazio-Veigel
Director, Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships, UT

2:00 – 3:00
Before & after: brush up your resume for the job & survival skills in your first job
Speaker: Daniel Pape
Consultant, Career Services, Haslam College of Business

3:00 – 3:30
Do and don’t in your job interview
Speaker: Daniel Pape
Consultant, Career Services, Haslam College of Business

3:30 – 4:30
Wealth accumulation: start planning for your retirement
Speaker: Tom Graves
Lecturer & Operations Director, Anderson Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, UT

For further information, contact Judy Li, business librarian ( or 974-0013).