Constitution Day, 9/19: Register to Vote; Discuss the 2nd Amendment
September 13, 2016

cday_webConstitution Day celebrates the signing of America’s founding document at Independence Hall in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787.

The campus will observe Constitution Day on Monday, September 19. Celebrate by registering to vote at Hodges Library. Voter registration will be conducted in the 2nd floor galleria, 11 am to 2 pm, Monday through Friday for two weeks, September 19-23 and 26-30.

Join a discussion on the 2nd Amendment. UT’s Baker Center for Public Policy will host a Baker Café on September 19, from noon to 1 pm, in 209 Hodges Library. Commentators will include John Scheb and Hemant Sharma from the Department of Political Science, and UT Chief of Police Troy Lane.

Also on September 19, visit Hodges Library, Pendergrass Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Library, or the Katz Law Library to pick up a mini Constitution, sign a facsimile of the Constitution, and add your thoughts about the importance of the U.S. Constitution to our celebratory banners.