Re-imagine the Library With Us
March 14, 2013

Dennis Clark will speak to the campus community on the topic “Re-imagining Library Services” on Monday, March 18, 10:00 a.m. in the Hodges Library auditorium. Clark is Associate University Librarian for Public Services at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), the largest research university in Virginia.

Clark’s involvement in the design of a $50 million library addition at VCU has included re-imagining the library service model as well as re-invigorating outreach efforts.

Prior to his current appointment, he was Head of Public and Research Services at Texas A&M University Libraries. In addition, he has extensive experience as a music librarian, including positions at Vanderbilt University, where he was Director of the Wilson Music Library and Samford University. At Vanderbilt, he co-founded the Global Music Archive, a streaming repository of traditional music, and conducted field work and recording in Uganda. He remains an advisor to the Archive.

Clark serves on the editorial board of Public Services Quarterly, and he has published on the evolving roles of library services and technology in Library Hi-Tech and Performance Measurement and Metrics, among others.