Edward Francisco & Linda Parsons Marion at Writers in the Library
March 5, 2012

Authors Edward Francisco and Linda Parsons Marion will read at the March 12 Writers in the Library, 7 p.m. in UT’s Hodges Library auditorium.

EddieEdward Francisco is a poet, novelist, essayist, playwright, and scholar. He is the author of two novels, Till Shadows Flee and The Dealmaker. His poetry collections include (Lie)fe Boat (winner of the 1995 Bluestone Press award); Death, Child, and Love (2000); The Alchemy of Words (one of Small Press Review’s Top Picks for 2007); and Hunting Keats (volume forthcoming from Birch Brook Press). Francisco was also principal editor of The South in Perspective, an anthology of Southern literature published by Prentice-Hall.

He is Professor of English and Writer-in-Residence at Pellissippi State College in Knoxville, where he was recently voted Student Choice Teacher of the Year for the seventh time.

LindaLinda Parsons Marion is the author of three poetry collections, Home Fires (1997), Mother Land (2008), and Bound (2011). Her latest book, Bound, chronicles the work and fabric of five generations of a Tennessee family (Read more in the August 2011 Knoxville News Sentinel). She recently returned to her earliest literary enthusiasm, playwriting. In August 2011, the Knox County Public Library hosted a table reading of a new play, Decoration Day, featuring a plot that centers around a family cemetery (See the August 3, 2011 Metro Pulse story).

She has published in Shenandoah and Prairie Schooner among many other magazines, and is an editor at the University of Tennessee. She has twice won the Tennessee Arts Commission Literary Fellowship in Poetry and has received multiple other awards. For many years she served as poetry editor for Now & Then: The Appalachian Magazine.

Writers in the Library is sponsored by the University of Tennessee Libraries and the UT Department of English. For further information contact Marilyn Kallet, Director, UT Creative Writing Program (mkallet@utk.edu), or Jeff Daniel Marion, Writer in Residence, UT Libraries (dannymar@earthlink.net).