Training Day at the Library, 9/27: Gale Researcher; Digital Humanities Sandbox
September 19, 2016

Learn to use the Libraries’ incredible new suite of digital products. Gale Researcher helps students identify and link to relevant, authoritative sources. Digital Humanities Sandbox facilitates data mining and textual analytics. Gale Cengage Learning will offer a full day of free training sessions on Tuesday, September 27. The training should be of interest to everyone from freshmen to full professors.


gdc-webDigital Humanities Sandbox
(focused on Artemis Primary Sources)
11:10 am – 12:25 pm, Hodges Room 127
3:40 – 4:55 pm, Hodges Room 127

With the University Libraries’ addition of millions of pages of new archive collections, Artemis Primary Sources provides innumerable research opportunities within the digital humanities. This session will highlight the newest content, while exploring navigation and textual analysis tools like Term Cluster and Term Frequency. Come with your questions and ideas to share with others involved in the digital humanities at the university, and you’ll walk away with strategies for uncovering new paths of research.

glrs-webGale Researcher for Students
12:55 – 1:55 pm, Hodges Room 127
2:10 – 3.25 pm, Hodges Room 127

Is your instructor asking you to use scholarly sources? Do you have a research assignment looming over you this semester? Are you overloaded with information, or pushing off a project because you’re just not sure where to start? Save time, get started, and uncover something cool with Gale Researcher. Gale Researcher is a new resource, available to all UT Knoxville students, that provides a simple path to peer-reviewed content within American Literature, Criminal Justice, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and U.S. History. Information is not only searchable but also aligned to subjects taught within courses so that finding relevant, authoritative sources is as quick and easy as possible. Join this session for steps to access Gale Researcher 24/7, time-saving tips for citing and managing the sources, and further tricks to using Gale Researcher to simplify your semester.

The UT Libraries recently purchased a complete package of Gale Cengage Learning’s primary source collections, giving UT users perpetual access to databases containing millions of pages of archival materials — roughly 600 years of monographs, manuscripts, historical newspapers, and more. The package deal includes the Digital Humanities Sandbox and a one-year trial of Gale Researcher.

If you have questions, please contact Corey Halaychik, or 974-9314.