Here’s #HowToGetIntoHodges
May 11, 2018

You’ve seen our video tutorial on #HowToGetIntoHodges, right? We showed you how Vols have learned to use the pull and push method, the buddy system, the side kick, and total avoidance to get past the heavy doors of Hodges Library.

The doors at the Melrose entrance are lovely. But after 30 years on the job, they have become increasingly obstinate . . . I mean unwieldy!

We’ve tried oiling the hinges. We’ve tried replacing the hinges. We’ve tried new pneumatic closers. We’ve even tried coaxing and wheedling. All for nought. Neit. Nein. No way.

So-o-o-o-o-o-o-o, we’re replacing the doors. (That’ll show ‘em!)

Remodeling of the Melrose entrance will begin sometime between late May to early June and will incorporate a whole new set of doors for your effortless entrance to the heart of campus.

We know you can’t wait to feel the breeze in your hair as you glide into the library with poise, so stay tuned for updates on our timing and progress. There will be fun in store![clear]