Hodges Library Open More Hours
August 21, 2012

The Hodges Library is now open even more hours. Sunday-through-Friday, round-the-clock hours — which formerly applied only to the second floor — have been extended to all floors of Hodges Library. In addition, the entire building will remain open until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. These hours will be in effect throughout the fall and spring semesters.

This significant expansion of library hours means added convenience for students seeking study space or needing access to print resources. The book stacks and seating on floors 3 through 6, as well as additional computers and seating on the first floor, will be available 24 hours/5 days a week, and until midnight on Friday and Saturday. No longer will students studying overnight be forced to interrupt study sessions at 3 a.m.! No more lugging books and laptops to the Commons to fight for study space!

The new library fee is helping to pay for this oft-requested expansion of library hours.

Remember: between midnight and 7 a.m., library users must swipe their VolCards at the Melrose (2nd floor) entrance to enter Hodges Library.