Masks Now Required in All Libraries
August 23, 2021

UPDATE, Sept. 7, 2021. The Chancellor announced today that UT will extend the current mask policy for the next few weeks because of the continued increase in COVID-19 cases across the state. This means face coverings are required when indoors unless you are dining, exercising, or in a private office or residence hall room. Read the chancellor’s full message.

Masks are now required in all libraries, in all public spaces.

This morning the chancellor announced to the Volunteer community: “Because the delta variant is continuing to spread and is driving up hospitalizations in our community, we are adjusting campus health and safety guidelines. … [M]asks are now required in all indoor public spaces, except in private offices and residence hall rooms and while individuals are actively eating, drinking, or engaging in fitness activities. This new mask mandate will be in effect for the next two weeks. System and campus leadership will re-evaluate the situation by September 7.”

Within the libraries, the mandate applies to all open study areas, all classrooms, all elevators, and all stairwells.

Thank you for your helping to keep our community safe.

Mask Up graphic