Workshop on Open Scholarship: Increase the impact of your research
November 6, 2015

NewRulesOpen scholarship is changing how knowledge is created and shared.

Researchers, graduate students, faculty, and administrators are invited to a presentation and workshop on “Open Scholarship: The New Rules” on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 3:00-4:00 p.m. in 213 Hodges Library. Liaison librarians and librarians from the Scholars’ Collaborative will lead a workshop in how “open” affects your research, publication, impact metrics, and teaching.

RegisterLearn how new methods of scholarly publishing can increase the readership and impact of your research; how to openly and ethically share your work online; and how alternative metrics measure research impact beyond the journal impact factor. You’ll hear from global leaders and work with campus experts in open scholarship.

The “Open Scholarship” workshop is a satellite event of the OpenCon 2015 conference to be held November 14-16 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop will draw on content from OpenCon 2015: Empowering the Next Generation to Advance Open Access, Open Education and Open Data.

Seating is limited, and refreshments will be served, so please register before November 14 by emailing