Tennessee Reads features Natural Histories: Stories from the Tennessee Valley
April 11, 2007

Tennessee Reads features Natural Histories: Stories from the Tennessee Valley
by Stephen Lyn Bales
Monday, April 30 2007 Carpe Librum Booksellers

Natural Histories is a collection of essays by naturalist Stephen Lyn Bales. Each chapter in the book showcases a particular animal or plant and each narrative touches the Tennessee Valley in some way. Historical episodes are brought vividly to life, such as the saga of the Lost State of Franklin, the devastation of the Trail of Tears, and the planting of a Moon Tree at Sycamore Shoals in Elizabethton. The book is arranged according to the seasonal cycles of the valley and illustrated with the author’s own striking line drawings.

This Tennessee Reads event will be held at Carpe Librum Booksellers, 5113A Kingston Pike (next to the Gourmet’s Market in Bearden). The event is sponsored by the University of Tennessee Press, the UT Library Friends, WUOT and Carpe Librum Booksellers.