Test-drive the Libraries’ New Homepage
April 22, 2015

homepageThe UT Libraries will soon launch a new homepage. The new page will go live immediately following spring semester. In the meantime, users can test-drive our leaner, cleaner homepage at lib.utk.edu/testing.

Our new homepage has fewer distracting graphics. A slimmer OneSearch box and the smaller footprint of the page reduce the need for vertical scrolling. These enhancements were made in response to suggestions from our users.

The cleaner design should help users locate information quickly. Popular destinations such as “My Account” and “Reserve a Room” are featured on conspicuous links at the center of the page. Links to research help appear in the right-hand column, including the chat box and customized help for different library constituencies.

And library news and events get more prominent billing.

Library Marketing and Communications would like your opinion on the redesigned homepage. Please send comments and suggestions to rbedenbaugh@utk.edu.