The Commons Adds a Practice Presentation Room
October 6, 2005

The Commons, 235 Hodges Library, has designated a group room to be a Practice Presentation Room. UT students, faculty, and staff can use a laptop and SMARTBOARD with an interactive screen to project PowerPoint slides and practice making presentations in a realistic environment.

Reservations may be placed up to two weeks in advance. To make a reservation for using the room, simply fill out the form at A brief training session is required for first-time users.

Students from the START program will provide assistance with the presentation equipment. (START–Student Technology Assistants for Research and Teaching–is an Innovative Technology Center-sponsored program that employs technology-savvy students to assist others in using technology to enhance instruction.)

The Commons, a collaboration between the UT Libraries and the Office of Information Technology (OIT), brings together some of the most frequently used library and technology resources in a single location, open around the clock for much of the week.

The Commons offers more than forty computers with over sixty different software packages, as well as loaner laptops, scanners, and laser printing capabilities. Available services include reference assistance, computer support, statistical consulting, and book retrieval during late-night hours when the libraries’ other floors are closed.