Documentary film presentation Argentina: Hope in Hard Times
May 3, 2005

Presented as part of the Global Studies Association Conference

The documentary Argentina: Hope in Hard Times will be shown Saturday, May 14 beginning at 1 p.m. in the Hodges Library Auditorium as part of the Global Studies Association Conference Crosscurrents of Global Social Justice: Class, Gender, and Race. The event is free and open to the public.

The film explores the economic depression in Argentina that began in 2001, when one of the most prosperous countries in South America was thrust into poverty. Argentina had been a poster child for corporate globalization before its economy collapsed.

Unemployment reached 40%, and people who where middle class learned how it felt to be powerless, hungry, and poor. The country’s entire political system was discredited, and Argentina went through a dizzying changeover of four presidents in less than one month.

With times so hard, people might have turned on each other in fear and desperation, but instead they turned toward each other in mutual support.

This special screening will be followed by a discussion.

Argentina: Hope in Hard Times
a documentary
Saturday, May 14
1 p.m.
discussion to follow
free and open to the public

For more information about the documentary, visit the Argentina: Hope in Hard Times Web site.

For more information about the conference, visit the Global Studies Association Web site.