Our short story contest winners are …

Every November is National Novel Writing Month. Each year, the NaNoWriMo nonprofit organization hosts an international novel-writing challenge to promote creative writing. Once again, the UT Libraries and the Judith Anderson Herbert Writing Center joined in the fun by hosting our own short story contest. Twenty-three students dropped by our five-hour “write-in” on the evening … Continued

A Big Orange Thank-You

Thank you to everyone who supported UT Libraries during the Big Orange Give campaign. The University of Tennessee received a record 11,461 gifts on the 11th anniversary of this annual day of giving. One-hundred and thirteen of these gifts were designated for UT Libraries, totaling $22,640. Generous donors like you allow us to continue to … Continued

Pendergrass Library: Digitized Theses Now Accessible Worldwide

The Pendergrass Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Library has digitized its entire collection of University of Tennessee theses and dissertations, making the work of UT graduates visible to scholars around the globe. Theses and dissertations in veterinary medicine and agriculture disciplines that were formerly housed at Pendergrass Library are now available online through TRACE, UT Knoxville’s … Continued

Apply for Funds to Archive and Share Your Data

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, researchers can apply for funds to archive and share their data. The Data Archiving and Sharing Fund assists UT Knoxville researchers in openly archiving and preserving data sets by providing up to $250 toward depositing a data set in the data repository Dryad. The fund is supported in full by the University … Continued

Evolution of Smokey Mascot Through the Years

The costumed human who portrays the Vols’ beloved canine mascot at sports events has undergone many makeovers over the years. Smokey’s earliest human namesakes certainly looked nothing like a Bluetick Coonhound! The canine Smokey himself joined the team in 1953. After some deliberation, the UT Pep Club settled on a hound as the most appropriate … Continued

Art of Joseph Delaney on Exhibit at Hodges Library

The art of Knoxville-born artist Joseph Delaney is the featured display in the Special Collections Reading Room, first floor of Hodges Library. The exhibit includes figure studies from a Delaney sketchbook, photographs of the artist, exhibit catalogs, and published examples of Delaney’s work. Most materials are from the Manuscripts collections held by UT’s Betsey B. … Continued